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The Shoot Around Arkansas Tournament (SAAT), hosted by The Quiver Archery Range, is a thrilling multi-field archery competition running from April 1 to May 31, 2025 through the state of Arkansas!


  • $20: Individual
  • $50: Family – up to 3 participants of any age


  • Shoots take place between April 1 & May 31, 2025
  • Shoots are held by participating SAAT hosts
  • Shoots follow SAAT format guidelines
    • 3D Shoots: ASA Pro/Am Format
    • Indoor Shoots: NFAA Vegas Format
    • Outdoor Shoots: USA Archery Virtual Tournament Format


  • Your 4 best scores from each field of play (3D Shoot, Indoor Shoot, Outdoor Shoot, and Free Choice) combine to create your Shoot Around Arkansas Overall Score.
  • Scores must be collected through different SAAT hosts. However, if a host offers more than one field of play, then 1 score from each field of play may be used, with up to two scores per host.
  • Example: 1 3D Shoot score from Shoot A & 1 Outdoor Shoot score from Shoot B at XYZ Range


The tournament concludes with an Awards Night on June 22, 2025, at The Quiver Archery Range. This celebration includes dinner, drinks, prizes, and free passes to the range, creating a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow archers and celebrate your achievements.


Sign up today and join the Shoot Around Arkansas Tournament to test your skills around our state, experience the excitement of competition, and be part of a vibrant archery community.

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