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Join coach Kip Lacey for pickleball lessons at Osage Park. Lessons will meet once a week (Monday evenings) for 8 weeks beginning August 5th.

Beginner/Intermediate Lessons

These lessons are designed for players who have a solid grasp on the basics and scoring, and want to take their abilities to the next level.

Levels 3.0-3.5

Topics Covered:

  1. Dinking (Purpose, Techniques, Strategy, Shifting, Shadowing)
  2. Transitioning from Baseline to Non-Volley Zones (Drops, Drives, and Location)
  3. Volleys (Roll Volleys, Punch Volleys)
  4. Offensive Shots
  5. Defensive Shots
  6. Serving and Returns
  7. Intermediate Drills

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