Discover What’s In Bloom During Spring Break!

Virginia Bluebells Spring Break Compton Gardens

Virginia Bluebells

These delicate, bell-shaped flowers start as pink buds before opening into stunning sky-blue blooms. Thriving in moist, shaded woodlands, Virginia bluebells create a breathtaking carpet of color in early spring, attracting bees and butterflies to their nectar-rich blossoms.

Bloodroot Spring Break Compton Gardens


Named for its deep red sap, bloodroot is a striking early bloomer with pristine white petals and a bright yellow center. This ephemeral wildflower emerges in woodlands, often before its own leaves fully unfurl, adding a touch of elegance to the forest floor.

Celandine Poppy Spring Break Compton Gardens

Celandine Poppy

Also known as wood poppy, this vibrant yellow wildflower brightens shaded forests with its delicate, crepe-like petals. Its bold color and ability to thrive in rich, moist soils make it a standout in springtime woodland gardens and natural landscapes.